Memorabilia 3

Thanks to Josh Orzeck for this 1972 graduation program!

Thanks to Michael Cassa for all of these images.Ā  First row, there isĀ  a program from the Student-Faculty Talent show, next 3 rows are Dewey's computerized programs.Ā  Most of us decorated each class so we couldĀ  keep track of the mods. The next 4 rows are photos ofĀ  the 1977 reunion

Ā and the last is the Dewey tassel and program from the 1974 graduation.

1972? HS Graphics Dept Promo - Mad Dog Klansky.

1972 Graduation Invitation

Dewey Digest 1974

Student Faculty Talent Show 1974.

Expressions in Dance 1974

Artist Profiles, 1974

Choral Music and Orchestral Music Concert April 5, 1974

1974 Commencement Program

Todd Lerner: "I remember one person doing an actual marathon. I think it was Mark Gordon."

Todd Lerner: "I think I have all of these from Dewey. For some reason they made us have the teachers sign the back of these. So I got Santopietro, Barry Goldstein, Steve Wolfson, Brian McCarthy, Alan Feuer, Donald Kobrin and I think the last one was Maniscalco."

John's, where many students got their lunch, 1970's

Bay 50th on the "B". 1970's

Graduation, 1980

Marine Bio Classroom

Early John Dewey High School Jacket Patch

John Dewey High School Jacket given for athletic and academic excellence

Child's Sweatshirt

Marine Bio decal

1970's S.O Card (Student Organization)

Below see a computerized schedule, two Certificates of Excellence, and three thank you's to the tour guides from people who toured Dewey from all over the world.